Address:No.15, 10th Floor of Deputy of Information Technology and Electronic Commerce - Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade (Naderi Building), Hojjat doost Alley, Naderi St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran, Iran.
Tel:+98 21 85193585,95
Fax:+98 21 88969736 , 88969088
Job Opportunities
Announcement – extension of the deadline for editing the accepted papers
The 8th national and 2nd international conference on electronic commerce and economy
Announcement – The last deadline for editing the accepted papers to be published in proceeding of the conference
Mohammad Sadegh Mofateh: Head of the seventh national and first international conference on electronic commerce and economy
Seyed Hossein Paryab: the secretary general of the seventh national and first international conference on electronic commerce and economy
Dr. Abbas Memarnejad: the scientific secretary of the seventh national and first international conference on electronic commerce and economy
Head of Symposium: Dr.Masoud Movahedi
Scientific Secretary: Dr.Mahdi Fathollah
Head of Symposium: Ali Hakim Javadi
Scientific Secretary: Dr. Zarintaj Bornaie
Executive Secretary: ...
Scientific Secretary: Dr. Fereydoon Ghasemzadeh
Head of Symposium: …
Scientific Secretary: Dr. Mohammad Aghaie
Executive Secretary: …
Head of Symposium: Ahmad Sadeghi Golmakani
Scientific Secretary: Dr. Amirhossein Mozayeni
Executive Secretary: Mohammad Gholami
Head of Symposium: Abdolali Mirkoohi
Scientific Secretary: Dr. Gholamnabi Feyzi Chekab
Scientific Secretary: …